Students, Family, and Staff Features:
The Basic/Free and Premium Editions of Studioware allow for unlimited students, staff, and classes. With the Basic/Free Edition
of Studioware, you can create students and classes, and track your class enrollment. This functionality is offered to you
at no cost! The Premium Edition of Studioware offers enhanced functionality that is not available in the Basic Edition. For example,
the Premium Edition allows you to create invoices for printing or emailing, online enrollment, online payment, custom fields and lists, and much more.
When you initially sign up with Studioware, you will be using the Basic/Free edition. Try the Basic Edition of Studioware for as long as you like.
Enter all your students, classes, and enrollment. When you are ready to use the enhanced functionality, simply subscribe
to the Premium Edition of Studioware. You are under no obligation; If you want to return back to the Basic Edition, you can cancel your
Premium Edition account at any time.
Alternatively, you can sign up with the Premium Edition right away, and try the Premium Edition for free for 30 days.
Adding Students, Families, and Staff
Adding new Students and Staff Members is simple with Studioware! To add a student to Studioware, click on the "Add Student" link.
Studioware only requires you to enter in a student's first name and last name to create a new student. Once the new student
is created, you can add as many phone numbers, addresses, emails, websites, and contacts as necessary.
Studioware allows you to quickly search for any student or browse/filter/sort your complete list of students. Once you've opened a student record, you can:
- View the student's summary page (which will help you answer most student inquiries)
- Save additional information about the student, such as gender, marital status, birth date, education/school name, medications, hospital preference, special needs, allergies, and much more.
- Add student notes.
- View the student history.
- Group multiple students into a family.
Contacts and Payees
Students (and Staff) can have an unlimited number of contacts, and each contact can have it's own set of phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses.

Studioware is unique in that any student contact can be designated as a payee. A payee is someone who is responsible for paying invoices. For example, if a student's grandparents want to pay for 80% of the student's tuition, Studioware allows you to add the grandparents as contacts and payees and specify the amount they are responsible for. Studioware will automatically create invoices for the payees, students, and families.

Custom Fields
Are there any additional items you wish to record about a student, but there is no place to input the information in Studioware? Well, Studioware lets you create your own fields (and lists) to collect any information you want! Studioware calls this "Custom Fields and Lists". A Studioware Custom-List allows you to create a list of related items. For example, a Dance Studio may create a Dance Type List that contains the elements: Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and Hip Hop. A music school may create a list of instruments that lessons are available on. A Martial Arts Dojo may create a list of student skills/belts. With Studioware Custom Fields, you have the ability to create a text field, date field, list field, numeric field, true/false, or yes/no field. Now you can collect any piece of information you want for every student.

Staff Schedules
Studioware allows you to create multiple user accounts. In fact, every Staff member in your Studio can have a user account to log onto Studioware. Your staff members can log onto Studioware and check their teaching schedule. They can even reschedule their classes (or schedule make-up classes).

Custom Letters
Custom Letters allow you to email important information to students, families, staff, contacts, or student payees. With Custom Letters you can enter in any text, format the text color and size, align text, add images, and add custom letter merge fields. Studioware will merge the student, staff, contact, or payee information into the custom letter and send the letter in email. You can easily email individual students or staff, email an entire class, email every student in your business, email students based on student status, or email students/payees that have outstanding invoices.