Studioware Parent Portal

The Studioware Parent Portal is a great tool that helps save you time: Students and Parents can use the Parent Portal to answer many questions that would otherwise take up your time. For example, Students/Parents can use the Parent Portal to:

View Classes and Class Schedules

You can publish you class names, descriptions, and schedules in the Studioware Parent Portal. Your customers can easily search and filter classes, and enroll in classes online. The Parent Portal offers 4 different views of your classes, including views that indicate the number of openings remaining your classes:

Financial Transactions, Invoices, and Payments

Students and Parents have questions about their financial account. By using the Parent Portal, your customers can see all their financial transactions, and easily make payments with the click of a button:

Student and Family Information

Parents and Students can quickly and easily update/add any contact information including:

It Matches Your Style!

The Studioware Parent Portal can be configured to match your web site style. You can upload your logo, set your colors, and edit the content:

Sample 1:

Sample 2:

Sample 3:

Studioware is an excellent tool for running a studio-based business such as ours, as it is specifically tailored to suit the unique nature of our business, particularly when keeping track of students and their parents. Compared to other solutions on the market, it offers exceptional value for money, while being backed up by excellent customer service and a willingness to respond to our requests for feature improvements.
Stephen Harrison: