Classes and Schedules:
Both the Studioware Basic/Free and Premium Editions allow for unlimited classes. Studioware is unique in that a class only needs to be created once.
After the class is created, it can be scheduled multiple
times. The class can be scheduled at different locations, with different instructors, and different dates/times, each with
it's own set of enrollment. Studioware automatically tracks your class enrollment and waiting lists.
Adding and Scheduling Classes
With our new and improved class interface, creating classes is very easy.
You can create a class, set the tuition, and schedule your first class all from one web page within Studioware.
Browsing the complete set of classes and schedules reveals the most important information you need to know:
- What is a class's schedule?
- Who is teaching the class?
- What location is the class being held?
- How many students are enrolled in the class?
- Is the class full?
- How many students are on the waiting list?
- What students are enrolled in the class?
With the Studioware Class Roll Report, you can quickly print a report detailing the names and phone numbers of students enrolled in the class, along with the dates/times the class meets.
Tuition Items and Payment Schedules
Studioware allows you to define multiple tuition items for any class, each with their own payment schedule. For example, suppose you have a class where the students are required to purchase a book and pay the tuition (the book must be purchased at the time of enrollment, 25% of the tuition is due at enrollment, and 25% more of the tuition is due every 2 weeks until the tuition is paid in full). Studioware has the flexibility to set-up complicated payment schedules! Studioware does all the work for you. Simply enroll students in scheduled classes and Studioware will post the Tuition Items to the student accounts according to the Payment Schedules.

Enrolling and Dropping Students
There are many different ways to enroll students in classes:

- Search for a student and enroll the student in a class
- Accumulate a list of students to enroll in a class
- Enroll students from any scheduled class to any other scheduled class
- Students and Families can enroll themselves in classes, using the online enrollment.
Studioware keeps track of all the enrollment, enrollment dates, tuition charges, waiting lists, and class meeting times. You can easily reschedule a class, cancel class, drop students, print roll reports, and email all students in a class.
Online Enrollment
Online enrollment saves you time and money! The time you save by implementing online enrollment pays for the cost of the Premium Edition of Studioware! After you have configured online enrollment in your Studioware account, it's simply a matter of copying and pasting a web link to your Studio's website. Students and Families can enroll in classes directly from your website. You can even send the online enrollment link in emails to your students and families.
Online enrollment works by prompting your students and families for their email accounts. If the email account is found, Studioware will prompt the student/family to create an account (or enter a password) to access the online enrollment services. If the email account is not found, Studioware requires the student/family to register. Once the student/family has access to the online enrollment services, they can browse classes, class schedules, and enroll in classes.

You can test the online enrollment by visiting the fictitious dance studio called "ABC Dance Studio". Studioware allows you to create "class filters" to change the functionality of your enrollment pages:
Example 1 (Multiple Filters): | |
Example 2 (Days of Week): | |
Please feel free to register and enroll in classes at the "ABC Dance Studio" to see how the process works with Studioware.