Studioware Pricing:
Our commitment to you is to provide the highest quality software at the lowest possible price.
Our pricing model is simple and affordable:
The Premium Edition is only $24 a month for
unlimited "everything"!
Many Online Studio Management Software companies charge you monthly fees based on the number of students in your business. This can become very expensive!  For example, for a business with 260 (active and inactive) students, the monthly fee can be over $125 per month or more.
Studioware's pricing is as follows:

Studioware Premium Edition

Monthly Cost (USD): $24 per Month
Number of Students: Unlimited
Number of Staff: Unlimited
Number of Classes: Unlimited
Number of Concurrent Users: Unlimited
Number of Locations: Unlimited
Student Accounting: Full Accounts Receivable
Online Registration and Class Enrollment:
Invoices and Online Invoice Payments:
Attendance and Attendance Scanning:
Mail Merge Custom Letters:
Import Student Data:
Reporting: All Reports
  • Instant Signup
  • Free 30 day trial
  • NO setup fee
  • FREE upgrades and feature enhancements
  • Flexible month-to-month plan - no long term contracts - cancel anytime
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Try Studioware for Free for 30 Days


As a new dance studio owner, I would highly recommend Studioware to every dance studio. We have tried two other management programs before finding Studioware and other programs can't even compare, especially for the price! The program is intuitive and innovative and advancements are always being made. Our customers love the easy online registration and it's a great way to accept online payments without having a merchant account. The program is customizable to your business and the staff at Studioware are helpful, friendly and understanding. Without Studioware, our company wouldn't be nearly as organized! Save time and minimize your stress by ordering Studioware today!