How do I change the currency symbol?
You can change the currency symbol that Studioware shows when it displays financial information. The designated currency symbol will also be displayed on all reports and invoices.
To change the currency symbol, follow these instructions:
- Click on "Administration" on the main menu.
- Click on "Settings" in the sub menu.
- In the list of settings, location the setting named "Currency_Symbol".
- Click on the "Edit" link next to the setting value
- Enter in your desired currency symbol: For example, enter $, £, ¥. See the tip blow for information on the Euro Currency Symbol.
- Click on the "Save" button.
- Studioware will now use the new current symbol.
Euro Currency Symbol |
Studioware can also utilize the Euro Currency Symbol. To utilize the Euro Currency Symbol, simply type in "Euro" as the setting value for "Currency_Symbol".